(1) Task: Documentation of a helicopter simulator
03 / 2001 – 11 / 2001 Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH
Complete Re-engineering of a MMI simulator and re-hosting real-time software to new platform (from SPARC to Motorola 680xx)
Source Code Ananlysis
Compiler Switch optimisation
Source Code improvements (readability, maintainability)
Compile Warning analysis and code corrections
Documentation of undocumented code
Update make process
Tools: Tornado / VxWorks, Source Navigator, GCC, MS Office
(2) Task: Tool for displaying schematics for maintenance tasks on military equipment
09 / 2000 – 01 / 2008 ESG GmbH
Creation of Schematics from different inputs (TIFF, draft pictures, PDF, AutoCAD data) for conversion into vector graphics (WebCGM) and integration into an existing viewer; analysis of existing data for migration into new product
Requirement Definition & Analysis
Schematics analysis
Electrical schematics optimization for imrovements in readability and information flow
Project Management tasks (development and engineering)
Tools: AutoCAD, ACCESS, OMNIS Studio, CGM Author (Corel), Python
(3) Task: re-hosting of air borne software for integration into flight simulator
11 / 2001 – 02 / 2005 Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH
Complete re-engineering (software & hardware) including generation of documentation according to MIL standards; project lead for sub-system implementation
Requirement Analysis & Specification
Documentation of interfaces, source code, and design according to MIL standard
Project Management (development and engineering)
Establishing automated test environment
Customer and subcontractor management
Tools: LINUX, IRIX, GCC, MS Office